“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

February 23, 2012

Pink Pajamas Penguins On The Bottom

South Africa tomorrow!

At 0500 I will be out the 7th deck forward, watching the landscape come into view.

At 0545 I will be watching the sun rise behind Table Mountain over South Africa, and blasting Circle of Life on my iPod.

At 0600 the pilot boat will come to guide us into port.

And at 0700 we will be alongside the dock and I will be waiting to get off the ship.

In other news we are approaching the Cape of Good Hope and the ocean swells have steadily been growing. All day things have been falling over left and right. In the Garden lounge we have these incredible floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a dazzling view of the gleaming ocean surrounding us. As the ship rocked back and forth we seriously watched as the horizon disappeared over the top of the windows, and then swung all the way down until all that was visible was the sky. My room has a mirror directly facing the window and every now and then I see the reflection of a giant wave rolling away from the ship. The creaking sounds from the ship started getting eerie and so I am sitting here now with my roommate and our friend listening to Disney music.

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