“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

April 20, 2012

4/20 #1

Tonight we cross the International Dateline! That means that today is April 20, and tomorrow is also April 20.

Nothing too exciting to report. Classes are wrapping up, review is underway, which is totally bizarre because I'm just getting back into the routine of living on the ship and going to class everyday and now we're supposed to be taking finals already? How did that happen?

Meanwhile, back in Boulder - 4/20 capital of the world - I keep getting threatening emails from CU stating that checkpoints have been set up all over campus and anyone not possessing a valid Buff OneCard will be fined. Furthermore, Norlin Quad, the heart of it all, has been closed off to everyone, even people affiliated with campus, and anyone caught there will be charged with trespassing. Honestly CU, I know you're concerned with our reputation, but isn't this all a bit excessive? Was it really that detrimental of an event? I mean how much harm can a bunch of hippies sitting around in drum circles really cause? Aren't there other more important areas where these efforts could be focused? Like how about the grant money you keep telling me and countless others that we should be receiving but you don't have the funding to actually give it to us? Glad that's being put to good use.

We just had a Boulder reunion up on deck 7 which ended with us breaking out in our fight song. We are the highest represented school on this ship with 44 students. Go Buffs!

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