“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

March 22, 2012


I understand that I caused quite a bit of concern over one of my previous blog posts, and I am deeply sorry for that. In fact I got so many distressed emails that I fell asleep last night feeling really, truly awful, and second guessing all that I have learned while abroad that has shaped my decision-making processes. I have been engulfed in the excitement of traveling for so long now that I've yet to really experience culture shock, that severe discomfort of being in a completely foreign environment where absolutely nothing is familiar. But hearing my story from all of your perspectives really made the culture shock set in for the first time this entire journey. I forget sometimes that the way I perceive things, isn't always the way they will be interpreted when I try to relay them. I had no idea that what was was such an empowering experience for me, in really pushing myself out of my comfort zone, would be seen as a complete lapse of proper judgement. I am deeply sorry for worrying everyone that I was putting myself into a situation that was doomed to end tragically.

On that note, you should all be relieved that we spent the day in Singapore at Universal Studios. It was just like being back in the good old US.

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