“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

March 3, 2012

So This Is How It Went Down

My friend and I had just finished dinner and found a quiet classroom to study in. It is esentially midterms week and I had one this morning, two more tomorrow, and then one the day after. So obviously I have loads of studying to do. I was just getting settled in, ready to crack open the books when the speaker sounded: "May I have your attention, may I have you attention please for today's evening announcements. Due to the current weather conditions we have been forced to slow down considerably..." By this point I was already panicking, thinking that we would be arriving late and might therefor miss our morning dives. It never crossed my mind what was actually coming. "We will be arriving in Mauritius behind schedule and therefore it will only be a fuel stop. Passengers will not be allowed to leave the ship..."

That horrible moment when the news is worse than you anticipated and you have no idea how to react.

I said some things I shouldn't have and left the room.

Needless to say no studying occurred.

I had my pity party though, and now I can say that in the end this will all be for the better. At least it has to be. Take this for example: every dive book I read went on and on about how there is so much diving in Mauritius that you could stay occupied for weeks, but (and this is a direct paraphrase), "one week should be enough time to get a good sampling of the diving." If you need an entire week for a mere sampling, then how could you ever expect to dive Mauritius in a single day? The solution is simple. I will find a way to return in a few years, and I will get the full experience, plain and simple. None of this one-day nonsense.

I refuse to say goodbye to Mauritius; it will just have to wait a little longer.

Next stop: (and this one I have truly been wanting to visit for just about as long as I can remember) INDIA!

And please forgive me for whining about missing out on one day, on one little island, when here I get to live on this incredible ship and sail around the entire world. I know how fortunate I am, and I know how silly I sound for complaining about something so trivial. But sometimes trivial things seem much more major then they actually are, and you have to give yourself a moment to sulk before accepting them for what they really are and moving forward.

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